Finally I have finish studying and obtain a degree...
Before I go on describing my feeling on this wonderful day, I must apologise to Chrys for not updating my blog for so long.. I know Chrys it took me so long to update..but geez hold your horses, my internet is really slow and its so frustrating staring at the screen for long waiting for the pictures to upload one by one. So right now, Im blogging in uni. Since you insist of me updating so quickly. Lol!
Well, anyway the graduation day was great overall even though is so cold and the ceremony is quite long. And after the ceremony I asked Darren (my coursemate), "Did we actually finish our studies and went through that ceremony? I even don't remember shaking hands with the vice chancellor". And Darren feels the same way too. Thinking that the whole thing have not sunk in yet. Lol!
But it was a great feeling, after achieving this degree in the end. It really paid off! Now time to get a job and earn some money! or maybe continue with Masters? Lol! well we'll see!
Special thanks to my family for supporting and believing in me always! Love you all! And of course my friends for being there with me always when there are ups and downs. Thank you!
And of course to the girl who attended my ceremony and toook videos and pictures. Thank you!
I appreciate it!
Now here are some pictures! other pictures and videos will be posted up into the next entry. :)
on the way to the ceremony
ceremony sitting
hat toss -attempt 2 (sychronised!)
successful hat toss!
sam, me (horrible hair hat shaped) & lucas
belle, lisha, ken, alice & sam